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Iro no yuki


Rabu, 28 April 2010


Pearl Words

  • A good example is the best sermon

Lebih baik memberi contoh yang baik dari pada menasehatinya

  • A confes in fault is a gentle and respectibility

Mengakui kesalahan adalah suatu sikap ksatria dan terhomat

  • All is not gold that glitters

    Orang yang kelihatannya cantik belum tentu akan secantik perbuatannya
  • A fruiless life is useless life

Hidup takkan berarti tanpa sesuatu perbuatan yang berfaed

  • A penny saved is a penny earner

Sedikit demi sedikit lama-lama menjadi bukit

  • A little is better than none

Sedikit lebih baik dari pada tidak ada

  • Despise another;despice your self

Menghina orang lain berarti anda menghina diri sendiri

  • Fairure is not misfortune

Kegagalan bukan berarti suatu kemalangan

Selasa, 27 April 2010

how to care for plants adenium

  • Adenium least exposed to direct sunlight on the hour 9 am to 5 pm (8 hours). if your previous adnium often in the shade, do not take place immediately in direct sunlight, it can cause adenium become wrinkled, and finally at the roots decay. do a gradual migration, the first such taxable ray five hours, the next six hours, and so on ... -
  • Do not use too much fertilizer made from chemicals, because the roots are very sensitive adenium, use cow manure as fertilizer. (Free but free ga ga aka cheap) Sirami-5pm on up, because if the early morning, the water remaining on the plant will adenium heat, because the leaves are very sensitive adenium once. watering plants do if the media is completely dry. should not be flooded. essential medium wet cropping ... -
  • Adenium should be placed in the open and windy, could be on the roof, he he he ... this may solve our inconvenience during the rainy season. if it rained, the wind will help to quickly dry adenium Hope you can help, there may be other additional teman2 ... thanks -Adenium approximately flowering at the age of 1 yr old from seeds (Indonesian climate and depend on our treatment of adenium)
  • -The point is to be patient and diligent care of your pet adenium, from seed / age 1-5 months adenium place in the shade, planting media must remain moist (not wet), place next month under direct sunlight (at least from 8am tersinar - 5 pm), soak at 5 pm, 1x day, remember! not to muddy. -Related interest, any influence with growing media fertility and the sun who can make quick adenium flowering and brighter colors.
  • -With the above treatments, you certainly adenium branched type adenium much like giant, dwarf but looks older, with a big hump, applicable to all type adenium, believe me .. - Growing media, not necessarily using the husk, fiber, or sand (some hobis consider a costly thing). just use dried cow dung, with no ground. contains many elements needed by plants. nature such as fusion husks, sand and coconut fiber,,,

good luck!!!!!

source: yan

Selasa, 13 April 2010


kau selalu menemaniku di saat aku senang dan sedih
kau selalu datang di saat aku sedang sendiri
kau teman baikku sampai kapan pun
love u 4 ever


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